Amendment 2: Right to Bear Arms
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Having a defense of any sort should always be at the forefront of any developing nations agenda, but as a right to bear arms this not only speaks for the safety of us as a nation, but for the safety of us as individuals. The right to bear arms means that you can own guns, weapons, for your own safety or for hunting, whatever the reason may be. This amendment secures you that right. With how drastically the world has changed since the inception this has constantly been a topic of discussion as weapons are being used in ways we never had to deal with previously. This amendment is being pushed to change just for the safety of our public, but is being pushed back by citizens defending their right to own their "arms". This video analyzes the debates surrounding this amendment. This stemming from the second comma, t...